Monday 31 March 2014

That thing called Faith

Mark 16:1-3
When the Sabbath was over, Mary
Magdalene, Mary the mother of James,
and Salome bought spices so that they
might go to anoint Jesus’ body.
 Very early on the first day of the week, just after sunrise, they were on their way to the tomb
 and they asked each other,“Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”

If you've never heard of this story, its in the Bible, right after Jesus was crucified and buried in the tomb. These three women, Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of James and Salome were among those who had been following Jesus during this 3-year ministry.

If you have heard of this story, well then you know that although these women worried about that huge stone covering the tomb, they soon found out that the problem was sorted out for them.

I was reading this again recently and it struck me that, whether they knew it or not, Mary Magdalene, Mary and Salome exercised faith. Think about it for a moment...
These 3 women would have never been able to roll away that tombstone by themselves. Yet notice what they did. They went anyway.

They could've called some men to help them roll the stone away. They could've asked for more women to join them. Maybe then they would've been able to roll it away. Joint effort, you know?
But nope. They just went, ready to prepare Jesus' body.

It got me thinking, when I know I should do something, do I just go? Do I just do it? Or do I first plan everything in my mind...make sure I'm properly organised...have a solid plan, then go?

It takes a lot of faith to just get up and do, whether you're a Christian or not. So shouldn't it be easier for us who believe and profess Christ in our lives? We have something we believe in, something solid, as much as we may not see it. We're not just relying on ourselves. Therefore it should be easier for us to have faith. Should be. That doesn't mean that it always is.

The subject of faith is one that always brings one of my closest friends to mind. She amazes me by her faith. She does it literally; believing in what cannot be seen. And she does it not just once in a while, or when push comes to shove, but she does it everyday of her life.

I aspire to be like her. I aspire to be like Mary, Mary Magdalene and Salome. I aspire to be a woman of faith.