Thursday 26 April 2012

Rainy day

On a rainy day,

the skies are grey,

The weather determines,

what we wear

how much we care.... for our well-being.

But at some point, it begins to clear up

and it's no longer gloomy, in fact, its beautiful..

Rainy day,

sometimes I really don't like you

but you wash away
all the dirt and filth

and everything
is clean again.

When the sky clears, after a rainy day

it's like dawn, a new beginning

a new chance to start over,

to be clean again.

Just like Christ washed away our sins with His blood,
so the rain washes away the stain of dirt

So thank you, Rainy day

and when you do go away,

we'll be glad to see you back again,
but only after a while!