Saturday 15 March 2014

Men and compliments

A few days ago a man stopped me to tell me that I look good. Now I know all the ladies understand how this usually goes. Most men will smile suggestively or wink and give you a 'compliment' as they eye you like they want to devour you. "Eish msupaaa!!" is what you usually get as a young woman. What was different with this situation is that this man did not act as expected.

I was walking home after a long day, laden with house shopping. The sun was in my face, the paperbags were heavy and I was tired. So when this guy tried to stop me with an "Excuse me," sure enough, I ignored him. But he stopped walking and said,"Hi." I stopped too, thinking maybe he was someone I knew and just could not remember (trust me, it happens often enough). That's when he said,"You look good." And immediately, he walked away. I was so surprised that he had no other intentions that by the time I said thank you, he was too far to hear me.

I walked home smiling to myself and thinking how unusual that was. The man just complimented me and moved on. I even posted this situation as my Facebook status cause I found it refreshing (I was only going to tweet it, but Twitter was down at the
I think this is how the world should be..people complimenting each other just to let them know, instead of using it as an opening statement to a 'hit-on'. Is that a word by the way? Hit-on?

So, this post is dedicated to all the men out there who can compliment complete female strangers without asking for more. And women, when a man does that, don't get caught up and start thinking he likes you. Such behaviour (when he was genuinely just giving you a compliment) is a sure way of making him never do it again!

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