Monday 19 December 2011

this little light of mine...

I've been trying to post a photo I took for a while now but I guess it wasn't meant to be. I was really hoping to have that photo accompany this particular post for two reasons: one, it's the first photo I took with my first digital camera :) and two, it would have perfectly illustrated the main idea in this post. (In the new and improved edited version of this post, the photo's below!!)

The importance of light is one of the things we take for granted every day. It hit me with the constant power outtages of a few weeks ago when God knows what Kenya Power (or Kenya Paraffin as Clay Muganda referred to them) were up to. Those few moments after the lights go out are critical...they distinguish those with generators from those who use back-up lights, and the rest of us, who use candles. And for a few moments, you're groping in the dark, searching for the matches, then the candles, then something to put the candle in as it slowly drips hot wax on your fingers before you can breathe a sigh of relief. Now you can see again. 

Darkness is a prominent fear for many children and some people struggle with this fear until adulthood, especially those with traumatic events in their past. That in itself should show just how important light is to us. Without light, it becomes almost impossible to do anything. You can't read in poor light, it will spoil your eyes. You can't be sure of what you're cooking 'cause you can't see everything in the sufuria, you can easily cook an insect without knowing! You get the drift...

When I was thinking about this, I thought those who wear spectacles would relate better, I know I do. Every time I get brand new lenses for my spectacles, I walk out of the optician's and I'm amazed at how clear everything looks. It's like I'd been looking at the world through a blurry glass pane and someone replaced it with a brand new crystal clear one. It's one of the most amazing feelings in this world. And all this is possible....just because of light.

No wonder Christ used the parable of a light on a hill to explain what Christianity should be like. Think about it. Who in their right mind, would light a lamp, then put it under a table? Unless they're looking for something specifically underneath that table, they'd probably put the lamp on the table, not under it. And when a traveller is out in the darkness, they always look for light, because they know once they find the light, they'll probably find people and lodging.
  That's why it does not make any sense for someone to call themselves a Christian and your actions are not seen to be Christ-like. We used to sing,
   "This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
     this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
     this little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine
     let it shine, let it shine, let it shine"

Everyone has a light to shine; everyone has something to share; everyone has a story to tell. It may not be easy to shine your light in today's ever-changing world, but light the candle anyway. It may flare up then look like its dying down, but if you're patient enough, it will get stronger and burn brighter.

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