Friday 23 March 2012

Born to lead

Being born to lead may seem quite automatic. I mean, if it's an inborn quality, it's got to be as easy as breathing, right? You don't even have to exert yourself to do it. But is there really such a thing as a "born leader"? Are only certain people born to lead? Or is everyone born to lead in their own capacity?

 I may not be able to effectively answer those questions at this point in time but I've been learning many things about leadership recently. Some from the lectures of my class on 'Interpersonal communication' and some from God. Well, actually, mostly from God. :)
Among the most obvious things I've been reminded of is: leadership is not sitting on people and being domineering and dictatorial. I guess that disqualifies most of the presidents that Africa has seen.

 Something I had never realised is that leadership is not the position given to you by people. It is instead, a conscious decision made on a personal level. Being appointed 'chairperson' or 'class leader' or even 'school captain' does not necessarily make you a leader. Doesn't sound quite right, huh? It is true that leadership qualities have been seen in you and that's probably why you were appointed so, but You only become a leader when you decide to take charge of the situation, to coordinate necessary activites and remain accountable to your role. Before this conscious decision is made however, you're just a leader by name. Maybe you didn't even want that position but didn't turn it down because you felt you had no choice. Or maybe, you took the position so that you would enjoy the priviledges that come with it. That's why we see people in positions of leadership and think to ourselves, "Why on earth are they in that position if they're not doing what you're supposed to do?"  Sometimes, you can clearly see that they do not even want to be there.

God knows just how much this has opened my eyes to the truth and importance of leadership. As my philosophy lecturer once said,
     "A leader is one who knows the way,
           shows the way
                  and goes the way".

So in that case, does every one of us have the capacity to lead? Why do the 'wrong kind' of people get such important positions?  I'm still thinking and mulling that one over. One thing I do know though is a good leader always has a heart of servitude. And when they serve effectively, they too receive service in return.


  1. so u did post this afta all true leadership is abt deciding to serve those around you without having to b pushed into it and smtyms a leader isnt necessarily the head of smth bt the one who steps up to their tasks and lives up to their responsibility thus all of us r leaders.

  2. thanks Red for your comment...makes sense. It sounds like you know me. Care to reveal yourself?
